How would your story end?

How would your story end?

Let’s Start Quiz

1 / 10

What do you want the message of your story to be?


2 / 10

How should the story start?


3 / 10

What should happen to the villain?


4 / 10

What kind of twist do you prefer?


5 / 10

How do you want your story to make people feel?


6 / 10

What would you like to see in the last scene?


7 / 10

How do you want your main character to feel at the end?


8 / 10

What do you think about challenges?


9 / 10

How do you feel about friendship?


10 / 10

What do you want to achieve in your story?


Your score is

The average score is 90%


Your Legacy Awaits: Uncover the Ending of Your Story. Are you curious about how your life story will unfold? Take our 10-question quiz to discover the ending that awaits you.

Our quiz explores your motivations, values, and priorities, delving into decision-making drivers, adversity response, and legacy approach. Personal development experts emphasize cultivating resilience, embracing personal growth, and nurturing meaningful relationships.

Hear from individuals who’ve discovered their life’s purpose: “I found my true calling through resilience and determination.” Discover how your choices shape your legacy, leading to one of three endings: The Triumphant Hero, The Wise Mentor, or The Unfulfilled Dreamer.

Embrace self-awareness, personal growth, and purpose. Start crafting your legacy today. Share your results, explore inspirational stories, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Take the first step. Uncover the ending of your story and start writing your legacy. Will you emerge as The Triumphant Hero, overcoming adversity and achieving greatness? Or perhaps The Wise Mentor, sharing knowledge and inspiring others? The choice is yours.

Personality Quiz
Personality Quiz
Articles: 47